Thursday, November 6, 2008

my reaction to the election

i feel that obama makes a wonderful president-elect..i mean it isn't everyday that an african american man gets to be the president of the united states. While i sat wit my family and watch the red color for McCain scatter across the southern statesi felt as if he was going to be our president in January. When they said that Barack Obama was going to be our president in January i was o excited, I was astonished because i know that now every one that has boudt someon knows that anything is possible.


Inspired by Evelyn said...

I love that you started your own blog! It can become a very powerful tool! If you keep it going & talk about issues like politics, current events, etc. & are able to get others to blog back with you it would be a great thing to put on a resume!

Nicholas King said...

Can you believe it a black president. But, not any black president baraka obama. This young man is not here just to be here he is here for a change. Also he is making a change for the better not for the best like our 16th president aberham lincon.

feltonia jackson said...

I would have to agree with u as well Chelsea. Yes we have a black president , but some people fail to relize how significant that really is!